My Stuff

A collection of stuff I've coded.

Name Desc.
local storage test (Aug 17 2024)
Click here
A very barebones example I made to show how local storage works on a browser.
Paul Simulator (Jun 26 2024)
Play here
Okay I have actually no clue how to explain this in a way that will bring it justice sorry. I was initially notified by a friend on call that I had a bug on my website, so I went to fix it, only to log onto my test account where my friends started to suggest a game as a joke. More and more ideas were added until we eventually talked for FIVE HOURS STRAIGHT making this horrible game together. We got so deep into the Paul Simulator lore that we made our own iceberg image and it may be one of our biggest inside jokes to date. I hope you feel as much dread playing this as I felt making it.
There are three endings to Paul Simulator that you must get through refreshing your browser. Each ending is selected by random chance1. The order you should play the endings in is Paul, Baby Paul, and then Fetus Paul.
Paul himself is a result of a randomly generated face on
1Ending 1 (Paul ending): 13/15 (about 80%) chance. Ending 2 (Baby ending): 1/10 chance. Ending 3 (Fetus ending): 1/30 chance.
Yeab Website (June 2024)
Click here
A website I made to archive/showcase my friend's comic. It's really neat, you should check it out !!