ENTRY 2 // 06/11/22
feeling: tired
listening to: joji - die for you
entry category: music
hey wow another post on the same day i really really wanted to post about this though
joji has another album and i literally didn't even find out until right now LMFAO it came out 2 days ago! i like jojis music so i did a listen and did a personal ranking (sorted best to worst)
superb: die for you, glimpse of us, 1am freestyle
cool: dissolve, night rider, feeling like the end
kiiinda boring: blahblahblah demo, yukon (interlude), before the day is over
die for you is awesome. my favorite key (D#maj) and favorite chord (iv) are used in it so i'm biased idc
ENTRY 1 // 06/11/22
feeling: tired
listening to: radiohead - no surprises
entry category: fandom
hi first notebook entry :3 so! random thought time
ok look. i love ib and i love garry especially but personally his design always bugged me for some reason... idk. like. the design itself is nice but the color palette for his clothes feels sort of muddy? i swear i've never seen anyone else with this take i may just be insane
it just feels like a bunch of different colors are fighting to be the main color and it just doesn't seem really pleasing to me. is the main color the blue on his jacket? or the bright green shirt? or is your eye supposed to go to his purple hair?
my take T_T this is sloppily done but you get my point. i think that making purple his primary scheme and making the shirt more neutral ties the colors together more. it also makes the color of his rose pop a lot more too! my word isn't fact but yeah this is just what i think