so why did i decide to make a shrine for this little goofy game.....

seriously i don't know what made me so drawn to this game but it takes up like 70% of my brain on a daily basis. maybe it's the quirky and witty humor or maybe it's the self-awareness or maybe it's the liminal aesthetic of walking around an empty office or maybe it's the complete absurdity of it OR MAYBE IT'S ALL OF THAT!! playing the original TSP a couple years ago was an amazing experience that made me question my existence and sanity a little bit but it very much stuck with me. it was one of those things that i was crazy about but i wouldn't really care about it until i thought about it again or it was brought up in conversation... i would go ham talking about how much i liked it. when TSPUD came out i went even more insane and i had a grand time playing that too. TSP also helped me discover The Beginners Guide, which is also now one of my favorite games god bless davey wreden. more games should be like this game i think

TLDR game good